Holistic Skin Care FAQs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to Holistic Skin Care. Here, you’ll find answers to common questions about holistic skin care, including our personalized coaching and how we address the root causes of skin health issues through integrative therapies and natural approaches. Our focus on Holistic Skin Care ensures that you receive care tailored to your individual needs, helping you achieve healthier skin from within.

Discover the principles and benefits of our holistic, evidence-based approach to skin health. Whether you’re curious about integrative therapies, complementary care, or personalized coaching, this FAQ covers everything you need to know. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, call us at 786.360.6355 or contact us here for further assistance.

General Questions

Q: What can I expect from your Holistic Skin Health program? Can you describe the features?

Our holistic skin care program focuses on addressing root causes of skin issues through natural, personalized care, as detailed here in our Holistic Skin Care FAQ. We emphasize non-invasive lab testing, functional skincare strategies, and a comprehensive approach to nourish your skin from within and outside.

The Path to True Skin Health Transformation, and Strategic Roadmap: Our holistic skin care program is fully individualized and uniquely designed. It is a comprehensive, alternative care approach to good skin health, combining natural and science-based techniques. The main strength of our program lies in its ability to center your unique needs to achieve the best outcomes for you.

  • We focus on the root cause, not just symptoms, using non-invasive functional lab testing to uncover the origin of your skin concerns.
  • We employ functional holistic skin care strategies that combine natural and science-based techniques to promote healthy skin.
  • Through concierge consultations, we provide evidence-based recommendations for nutritional and herbal support, including individualized diet, lifestyle counseling, and coaching.
  • Our program uses scientifically-backed nutritional and botanical therapies to address imbalances or deficiencies, considering your whole-person health since your skin is connected to your body’s overall health.
  • We nourish the skin from within and outside using supplements, herbs, and topicals that are effective, natural, clean, and safe.
  • We address systemic inflammation, gut dysbiosis, and sluggish detoxification pathways that may be contributing to your skin condition.
  • With over four decades of experience in natural medicine, we use lab results and 2000+ years of clinical wisdom to craft a custom roadmap using non-toxic remedies.

Q: How does inflammation, my gut, and detoxification contribute to my skin issue(s)?

Skin issues such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis can be caused by various factors, including environmental triggers like allergens, dust, smoke, and stress, as well as lifestyle factors like poor sleep and insufficient dietary fiber. While diet is important, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to skin health. Every person’s skin is unique, and achieving clear skin might require a personalized dietary approach beyond simply avoiding dairy or gluten.

The gut-skin connection is crucial: 70-80% of your immune system is located in the gut, and poor gut health can lead to issues throughout the body, including chronic skin issues such as dryness, blemishes, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and more. Gut imbalances trigger proinflammatory cytokines, which are immune signaling proteins that regulate inflammation. These cytokines can contribute to chronic systemic inflammation, often expressed as skin conditions. Explore research on the gut-skin axis to learn more about how internal health affects your skin.

To support your gut and skin health, it’s essential to eat whole foods rich in antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics, and fiber. When your gut is functioning optimally, your skin is better protected and can thrive.

Q: How can I effectively manage and improve my skin health through personalized strategies and self-care?

You’ll learn and follow the Foundations to Clear Skin and reclaim your appearance from within. At the end of our work together, you’ll have a personalized roadmap and the nutritional knowledge to confidently take control of your skin health and overall wellness. You will:

  • Understand your skin triggers.
  • Avoid flares, eruptions, rashes, blemishes, and marks.
  • Know the process to get immediate relief by using the tools we’ve mutually discovered and worked with together.

Through our journey, you will come closer to seeing how your skin synchronizes with your life. You will be able to pro-actively manage and control your skin health outcomes—through self-care, reducing or adapting to stress, achieving restful sleep, and implementing the right foods and routines to build a healthy gut. With your newfound practical knowledge, you’ll be empowered to connect the dots, understand what’s triggering your skin-health issue(s) at any given time, and jump-start your skin outcomes to look and feel your best.

Q: What is your Wellness Philosophy?

Wellness is a holistic philosophy that encompasses the environment, lifestyle, and mental and spiritual well-being. It is a conscious and evolving process of achieving one’s full potential. It is self-empowerment and the pursuit of passions that enhance the skin and overall life quality.

Q: What is Integrative Functional Medicine and Holistic Skin Care?

Integrative skin-care views the skin as part of the body’s greater whole, not as an isolated organ. Holistic skin care emphasizes the need to address imbalances in nutrition, diet, lifestyle, environmental toxins, and hormones, focusing on the whole person, not just a skin issue. In contrast to Western medicine, which often treats different parts of the body separately, we view the skin as interconnected with all the body’s systems, including a strong mind-body connection.

To properly address skin issues, we need to focus on gut health, immune function, and other systems. Functional Medicine goes beyond targeting symptoms by focusing on the optimal functioning of the entire body. It uses a systems-oriented approach that considers genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.

Some common root causes of chronic skin issues include:

  • Increased inflammation (acute or chronic)
  • Chronic infection or microbiome imbalances (of bacteria, viruses, yeast, or parasites)
  • Weakened immune system
  • High toxic loads and inefficient detoxification
  • Chronic constipation
  • Nutrient deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, or phytonutrients)
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Genetic predispositions
  • Histamine sensitivity
  • Environmental sensitivities or allergies
  • Gastrointestinal issues (e.g., SIBO, IBS)

Q: Why choose a Holistic Skin Care approach over conventional medicine?

Conventional medicine can be effective for many, particularly in managing symptoms of chronic skin issues like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. However, if you’re not fully satisfied with the results from medications or treatments, you may want to consider a root-cause natural approach. Our method focuses on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of skin issues rather than just treating the symptoms.  Learn more about holistic health approaches from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

We take a comprehensive look at your overall health, focusing on factors such as nutrition, lifestyle, gut health, immune function, and hormonal imbalances that may be contributing to your skin concerns. This approach helps to uncover root imbalances that might be overlooked in conventional care.

While we can’t promise specific results, many clients who fully commit to implementing our recommended changes see long-term improvements. The key to success lies in your willingness to make the necessary adjustments in your lifestyle. If you’re looking for a natural, holistic skin care solution that addresses your skin health from the inside out, this approach could help you achieve sustainable improvements.

Q: Do I need a free 15-minute consultation before booking an appointment?

Yes, a free 15-minute consultation is required before booking a formal appointment. This call allows us to determine if we’re a good fit for each other and if our services align with your needs. We’ll review whether our approach is appropriate for your goals and holds sufficient value for you to begin this journey.

During the consultation, we’ll explain what you can reasonably expect from us, and we’ll also discuss what we expect from you. Please note that no specific clinical recommendations or advice will be given during this initial call, as we need to establish a direct care relationship first.

Q: What is the best way to schedule an appointment?

Scheduling an appointment is easy! Simply call us at 786-360-6355 to find out when the next available appointment is. We’ll help you get started on your journey to clearer, more radiant skin. After scheduling, you’ll receive an email invitation to create your secure client/patient account on our electronic patient portal. This will include the next steps and detailed instructions. All interactions will be conducted securely and privately via the portal.

Q: How quickly can I get an appointment?

We encourage clients to book a few weeks in advance. Typically, we can schedule a new patient appointment within two weeks, depending on availability and the time of year. If you need an earlier appointment, we may be able to accommodate you based on your circumstances and our schedule. Sometimes, schedule changes can open up earlier options for appointments.

Q: Do you offer in-person office consultations?

No, all consultations are conducted virtually through our secure telehealth or telemedicine platform, which is integrated into our electronic health records system and fully HIPAA compliant. This allows us to provide the same high-quality care as in-person visits, but in a more convenient and private virtual setting using video calls.

Q: How does a telehealth visit work?

Appointments are conducted through secure video. You’ll receive the same services and benefits as an in-office visit, except the consultation takes place via video conference. It’s similar to platforms like Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime, but our system is fully HIPAA compliant and protected for your privacy.

Telehealth is a convenient and comfortable way to access care, no matter where you are. We have over four decades of experience guiding patients towards optimal health, and our modern telehealth conferencing has made this process easier than ever. Instead of traveling to the doctor’s office or waiting in a room, you simply activate your conference call on your phone or tablet at the time of your appointment.

Benefits of Telehealth:

  • No waiting room – you can skip the wait and meet with us directly.
  • No travel – avoid travel expenses and time inconveniences.
  • Interactive and easy to use – just like any video call but more secure.
  • Comfort of your own home – attend from a space where you feel at ease.
  • Accommodates your schedule – fits into your busy day.
  • No need for child care or time off work.
  • Limit exposure to others – reduce exposure to contagious illnesses like the flu or COVID.
  • Complete care – including specialized testing and easy supplement ordering.
  • Increased privacy – fully compliant with HIPAA, GDPR, PHIPA/PIPEDA, and HITECH standards.

Q: What is included with the initial consultation?

Your initial consultation with the doctor will last approximately 90 minutes. During this session, the doctor will assess your concerns, medical history, and lifestyle to establish a personalized plan. Recommendations for lab testing will be discussed as part of this comprehensive evaluation, and you will receive an actionable holistic skin care plan to address the root causes of your skin concerns.

Q: What about follow-up appointments?

Follow-up appointments are essential for monitoring your progress and making adjustments to ensure your success. The length of these appointments is typically 60 minutes, though this may vary based on your progress and any questions or concerns you may have, especially if lab results are being reviewed.

The first follow-up appointment usually takes place 10-12 weeks after your initial visit, at which point we’ll review your lab results. Based on these findings, we will develop more specific protocols to address the underlying causes of your skin issues.

From that point on, we will schedule check-ins every 8-10 weeks to assess what’s working, what needs to be adjusted, and make necessary changes to your protocol based on the results of your functional testing.

Q: How long does it take to see results using a Holistic Skin Care approach?

Results vary from person to person because everyone’s skin and health are unique. While our goal is to help you achieve healthier skin as quickly as possible, the timeline for improvement can look different for everyone. Some clients notice significant changes soon after starting their personalized plan, while others may need more time. Many see noticeable improvements within days or weeks, but it’s important to remember that skin has its own natural rate of growth and healing, so patience and commitment are key.

To achieve healthier, radiant skin, you’ll need to maintain the positive changes we introduce. This often requires effort and adherence to your personalized holistic skin care plan. Long-term, satisfying results are usually seen within about six months, although some may experience improvement sooner. For others, more stable improvements can take longer.

As your holistic skin care plan evolves, we will make necessary adjustments to help you reach your skin health goals. Ultimately, your success depends on consistency and commitment to the recommended steps. While we provide the best care and guidance possible, factors beyond our control can also influence your results.

Q: How long are the programs or plans recommended?

It’s difficult to predict exactly how long it will take to address your skin issue(s), as results vary from person to person. However, to give you a general idea, initial programs typically vary in length based on the severity and number of skin issues you’re dealing with.

In most cases, it can take 6-9 months to see noticeable and satisfactory progress. After that, it often takes another 4-6 months to reach a stable stage. Some clients may require additional time to achieve even better outcomes once stability is reached.

Q: What types of lab tests are used in Holistic Skin Care?

There are several advanced lab tests available to assess your health. During your initial one-on-one appointment, the doctor will determine which tests are most important and in what order they should be done. Our goal is to avoid overwhelming you with unnecessary data, instead using strategic testing to guide us toward improving your skin health and overall wellness.

Some examples of lab tests that may be recommended include:

  • Urine & stool tests
  • Vitamin, mineral, and nutrient tests
  • Heavy metal tests (often using hair samples)
  • Adrenal & hormone function tests (typically using saliva)
  • Genetic tests (using saliva)
  • Food sensitivity tests
  • Blood tests (if needed, we will provide a requisition form for you to visit a lab near you)

All of these tests, except blood tests, are easily completed using at-home test kits, allowing you to administer them in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Q: How long does it take to get the lab results?

Lab results are typically received within 2 to 4 weeks. After a thorough analysis, we will schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss the findings and recommend the next steps in your treatment plan.

Q: How much do the lab tests cost, what laboratories does the doctor use, and why?

The doctor is affiliated with a lab service that provides access to some of the best general and specialty laboratory testing available, at wholesale pricing. As our client, these tests will be offered to you at the most affordable prices, and we pass those wholesale savings directly on to you. The lab service ensures that you have a smooth and guided testing experience and provides us with the results in a timely manner.

The lab service charges a small administrative fee of 7% to expedite the process. The cost of each test and the total fee will be covered with you before you approve any testing. Typically, lab costs range from $270 to $900, depending on the specific tests needed.

Q: Can I order my own tests through the laboratories, or can my primary care doctor order the lab tests for me?

We use specific lab tests that are focused on functional medicine and are designed to uncover deeper health imbalances. Conventional tests, while valuable in some cases, may not provide the detailed insights needed for our approach. That said, the doctor may occasionally recommend a specific blood panel, which you can request from your primary care provider. If you’ve had conventional blood tests done within the last three months, these results can also be valuable.

Q: How often should I retest if testing is recommended?

As outlined here in our Holistic Skin Care FAQ, we use advanced lab tests to uncover underlying imbalances that may be contributing to your skin issues. While retesting isn’t always required, it is suggested it to track your improvement, adjust protocols, or address any barriers as needed. Once you’ve achieved your desired results, we may recommend annual testing to ensure your body systems are functioning at their best. The need for retesting is based entirely on your individual needs and health concerns. Our goal is to provide you with verifiable outcomes.

Q: What are your fees?

All sessions and services are timed. Below is a breakdown of the fees:

  • New patient initial Discovery and Comprehensive Assessment (TeleHealth): $550.00 (90 minutes)
  • Follow-up TeleHealth appointments with Dr. Rodriguez:
    • 30 minutes: $185.00
    • 60 minutes: $370.00
  • Lab Panel Analysis/Research/Interpretation/Creation of Report & Plan(s): $275.00
  • Session to Review Lab Panel Results & Recommendations: $95.00 (30-60 minutes)
  • Doctor’s regular fee: $6.09 per minute
  • Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching sessions:
    • 30 minutes: $82.50
    • 45 minutes: $123.75
  • Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching regular fee: $2.75 per minute
  • 2nd Opinion Functional Review of Blood Test Analytes & Recommendations: $65.00
    (This service is for reviewing blood tests provided by another healthcare provider and offering recommendations based on those results.)

All appointments are invoiced based on the time spent. If the session runs longer than the scheduled time, the charge will be adjusted accordingly. Supplements and custom formulations (herbals/botanicals) may be included with the consultation invoice or billed separately.

Q: What payment forms do you accept?

We accept the following payment forms:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • Care Credit

Clients are required to keep a valid credit card on file. Your credit card information will remain encrypted in our secure processing system and will only be charged when services are rendered. A detailed invoice will be provided once payment is processed.

Questions About the Doctor

Q: How is the doctor’s method different from other holistic or alternative health practitioners?

The doctor’s method focuses on addressing the most common concerns associated with skin issues, such as digestion, stress, sleep disturbances, and fatigue—imbalances that are often misunderstood or missed by conventional medicine, which tends to often treat symptoms rather than the underlying root causes or affected systems.

This method is a lab-based, natural protocol that tests and identifies dysfunction in the body’s core systems. These systems often become compromised long before symptoms appear. Lab tests help determine the type of natural support needed to bring your body back to its more natural and balanced state.

We rely on scientific, objective testing to guide our analysis and recommendations, allowing us to deliver measurable results. By testing and using evidence-based methods, we can track your progress and adjust as necessary to ensure you’re moving in the right direction.

Our root-cause holistic skin-care approach is ideal for clients whose skin issues are resistant to conventional treatments or for those who prefer to limit exposure to pharmaceuticals. This approach is based on Functional Medicine principles, using diagnostics to create tailored skin-care alternatives that focus on each patient’s unique bio-chemistry and biology.

We are fully committed to your health concerns and the outcomes we can achieve together. Our passion lies in providing you with effective, all-natural protocols grounded in skin science, using a holistic approach.

Q: What are the tools you use to create your plans?

We use a variety of tools to create personalized plans tailored to your unique health needs. These include:

  • Diet:
    We’ll help you understand which foods to eat and which to avoid, as well as when and how much to eat to optimize your biochemistry and microbiome. This ensures that your diet supports your skin and overall health effectively.
  • Supplement Programs:
    Based on your lab results and clinical presentation, we’ll identify nutrient deficiencies and recommend the supplements that will benefit your skin health. We also guide you on which supplements may not be suitable for you, ensuring your body and skin receive the right support.
  • Movement/Exercise, Lifestyle, and Stress Management:
    Your program will include movement or exercise recommendations suited to your body’s specific needs, along with lifestyle adjustments. This could involve changes to your sleep patterns, water and fiber intake, or daily schedule.
    Stress management is also key, as chronic stress is often a significant factor in skin health issues. We’ll explore solutions tailored to your situation, such as spending more time with family, and improving sleep. Addressing these stressors is critical to restoring your skin and overall health.

Q: What kinds of supplements does the doctor recommend?

We recommend clinical-grade, high-quality supplements sourced from concentrated whole foods and clean herbal products. These supplements are tailored to your specific deficiencies and health needs based on your lab results and clinical presentation.

Q: Where can I buy supplements?

Ordering supplements through our platform is both easy and convenient. Our online dispensary, Fullscript, provides active patients with access to a broad range of high-quality supplements at a 15% discount, offering significant savings on all doctor-recommended products. Most orders are processed quickly, with delivery typically arriving within 2-3 days, and free shipping is available for orders over $50.

In addition to Fullscript, we offer our own herbal product dispensary for more unique or customized formulations that may be necessary in certain cases requiring personalized care.

For some topical products, which are safe, effective, and affordable, we may recommend specific online retailers (with no affiliation to us). When appropriate, we will provide you with clear guidance on what to purchase, where to buy it, and how best to incorporate it into your personalized care protocol.

Q: Do you bill my insurance company, and are supplements covered?

No, we do not bill insurance companies directly, nor do we participate in Medicare or Medicaid. It is the patient’s responsibility to determine if their insurance plan covers consultations, lab tests, or supplements. Generally, insurance companies do not cover preventative care or alternative care, such as whole-person wellness services.

However, certain services may be covered depending on your insurance benefits. Health Savings Accounts (HSA) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) often cover labs, herbal, and nutritional supplements. We recommend checking with your fund administrator or consulting a tax professional for specific guidance on what your plan includes.

Please note that we cannot guarantee reimbursement and do not communicate with insurance companies on behalf of patients. If you believe your plan covers these services, you can submit a claim to your insurance provider. The responsibility for this process lies with the patient.

The doctor is a provider for Care Credit, a healthcare financing option that helps pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. Care Credit can assist with managing costs related to health, wellness, and beauty that are not covered by insurance.

Questions About the Coach

Q: As a patient, will I need skin-care coaching?

Coaching is not required, but many patients who engage in our skin-care coaching see remarkable and accelerated progress. Without coaching support, some find the journey slower and more challenging, which can feel frustrating. Coaching plays a key role in supporting your skin health journey, as explained in our Holistic Skin Health FAQ, by offering personalized strategies to help you stay on track and achieve results.  For that reason, our coaching services are highly recommended to help you experience faster relief and more consistent results.

The #1 reason most people struggle with their regimens is that they find it hard to stick with them. A skin-care coach serves as an educator, motivator, and accountability partner, keeping you engaged and connected to your goals.

Our certified coach will help evaluate your skincare products, provide personalized recommendations, and tailor your program to fit your unique lifestyle and skin health needs. Your coach will also offer educational resources, empowering you to better understand your skin and achieve the results you desire.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, and no quick fixes. Everything we do is customized to meet your unique needs. Dr. Rodriguez and the Coach offer a skin-care experience that combines effective, all-natural protocols with a holistic approach that truly works.

By working with both the doctor and the coach, you’ll improve your overall health, achieving a balance between your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. After all, skin health is deeply connected to how you feel inside and out—it’s not just about clear skin, but about feeling positive, confident, and in control of your life.

Q: How can a skin health coach help in my Holistic Skin Health journey?

While coaching isn’t required, it plays a significant role in accelerating progress and achieving lasting results. A skin-health coach provides personalized care and support tailored to your journey. Here’s how a coach can help:

  • Personalized Care: We craft a plan based on your skin requirements, functional test results, and lifestyle. You’re an active participant in the healing process.
  • Support for Real Change: Long-lasting lifestyle changes can be tough. A coach helps make these changes practical and sustainable, guiding you toward healthier habits that benefit your skin and overall well-being.
  • Accountability & Guidance: Regular check-ins provide motivation and encouragement, keeping you on track throughout your journey.
  • Holistic Approach: Skin health is more than products. We focus on every aspect of your wellness—diet, stress, sleep, and more—supporting your skin from within.
  • Empowerment & Motivation: Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to take control of your skin health.
  • Preventive & Long-Term Benefits: We’ll tackle current skin challenges while developing long-term strategies for maintaining healthy skin and preventing future issues.  Learn more about our coaching services here.

Q: I’m not currently a patient or an active client of the doctor. Can I still make an appointment with your skin-care coach?

Unfortunately, our skin-care coach is only available to active patients of the doctor. To benefit from our coaching services, you must first complete an initial consultation with the doctor.

Q: What kind of results can I expect from skin-health coaching?

Results from skin-health coaching depend on your commitment and consistency. While we cannot guarantee specific outcomes, many clients experience faster relief and long-term improvement through the holistic approach guided by our coach. Results are often enhanced by addressing both the root causes of skin concerns and supporting lifestyle changes.

Q: How can I communicate with the doctor and coach?

As an active patient, you will have access to a secure patient portal where you can view records, communicate with both the doctor and coach, and access resources. This portal is HIPAA-compliant to ensure your information remains private and secure.

Q: I’m a patient, where can I access my records?

As an active patient, you are provided access to our secured patient portal. Through this platform, you can view your records, protocols, resources, and other documents. The portal is HIPAA-compliant, ensuring the security of your personal information. You can access the portal via the Practice Better app on your phone or through a desktop computer, making it easy to stay connected and informed.